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Monday, October 19, 2009

Fake Promises by WestBound Educational Services

Guyz I want to bring to u’ll important information about Westbound Educational Services which they provide for students is completely hopeless and useless. I would request you to go other Educational services because westbound would only give you big talks saying that by coming to UK you would get all
support from their representatives with respect to your HOUSING, BANK A/C OPENING, NATIONAL INSURANCE, PART TIME JOB ASSISTANCE

They charge you in the beginning a sum of Rs 20000/- just to give you an offer letter from the college and £200 for their services in UK (pick up from the airport) and after receiving the money no services is provided.

Then they say that the housing which would be provided is next to the college but when you land in UK you will realise that you have to travel daily for 4 hours 2 hours going to college and 2 hours when you are returning home.
They even promise that they will help you to open a Bank a/c and also the National Insurance No (NI) but they are all false statement made back home. And also would they say they would surely assist you getting a part time job you ask them 1000 times and their reply would be ‘YES’. But when you ask their representatives out here in UK he’s reply would be that ‘JOBS ARE NOT HANGING ON THE TREES’

They would take you to a house where the rent is very high and there are 12 people staying and you would be given a mattress which is on d floor, but when you make an inquiry about it back home they will say you get an individual room with a partner and the rates would be within the range of £180 to £200 that depends if you are lucky you get food along with the rent. These are all bullshit talks given by them, the real fact is that people who are working for westbound in India doesn’t exactly know what’s going on they have no idea its only if the person calls them then only do they come to the real fact. But no actions or any kind of solution is provided by them, they would only say that they would inquire and would get back to you but this actually doesn’t happen and you have to sit and suffer in agony.

I really don’t know how many people’s money do they eat by doing foolish work because they even get commission for getting student to the college and plus they take from the students Rs. 20000/- in India & £200/- in UK

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